Surgical Care

Soft Tissue Surgical Care for Dogs, Cats, Bird, and More

Clarksville Animal Hospital cares for your pet, offering a complete suite of surgical care for your dogs, cats, and pets.

Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering prevents your pets from reproducing, and reduces the strain on animal shelters from newborns and strays. 


Spaying your female pet can help them to live a longer, healthier life and can protect against various diseases and cancer. This procedure involves removing the ovaries and uterus of an animal, and will be performed under anesthesia and careful observation.


Neutering removes the testicles of a male animal, and reduces the risk of several types of cancer. It can also reduce or subdue several types of aggressive behaviors, including roaming, fighting, humping, and spraying. Your pet will be placed under anesthesia, and monitored throughout the entire procedure.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Clarksville Animal Hospital performs soft tissue surgery on your pet to remove masses, tumors, or lumps. Detecting and removing these masses early is crucial in determining whether they are fatty or benign, or cancerous and dangerous.
We also provide surgery to help animals recover from injuries, overcome illnesses, improve airflow to ear canals, and correct a variety of deficiencies. Our hospital is well equipped and our staff well trained to handle your pet’s medical needs.

Avian Surgery and Wing Clipping

Our staff is trained and equipped to handle surgery for birds and avian pets, including clipping their wings. Wing clipping can protect your bird in their home environment, and limits their ability to fly.

Exotic Pet Surgery

Clarksville Animal Hospital also operates on rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamster, ferrets, and more. Whatever the health concerns, call us today and discover how we can help your pet stay healthy.
Call our veterinary hospital today at 812-288-7999 to schedule your pet’s appointment let us take care of them.
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